An Entire Mobile Phone Embedded in Jewellery? – A Definite Likelihood in the Near Future

An Entire Mobile Phone Embedded in Jewellery? – A Definite Likelihood in the Near Future

Galatea, a US company recently announced that it will be launching what it calls the first cultured pearl to enable shared digital content on a compatible mobile device. Momento Pearl™, as it is called, will enable the user to record or download voice or video data onto the pearl which is set in beautiful jewellery options. On tapping the pearl against an NFC-enabled mobile device, the audio or video filed can be played. Any other digital material like photographs may also be saved and displayed. In the Momento Pearl, Galatea has implanted an NFC chip inside the pearl, where a tiny computer is powered by induction energy. The jewellery does not need a battery. Imagine being able to record wonderful moments like one’s wedding vows, the laughter of one’s infant, or a message like “I love you” for all posterity on a jewelled gift set with a beautiful cultured pearl!

This is not the first time communication technology has been embedded in jewellery. Smart jewellery is a recent trend, but one that is spreading like wildfire. What does the future hold for smart jewellery? – an entire mobile phone embedded in a piece of jewellery is not too far-fetched at all! Already, companies are working on packaging the components of a cell phone into various pieces of digital jewellery. IBM, for example, is said to be working on a digital-jewellery project. The company has developed a prototype of a cell phone that consists of several pieces of digital jewellery that will work together, in all likelihood with Bluetooth wireless technology, to perform the functions of the components of a cell phone. The earrings will be the phone’s receiver, the necklace will be embedded with the microphone, the ring will be fitted with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that flash to indicate an incoming call, etc, the bracelet will be equipped with a video graphics array (VGA) display, which could also be used as a caller identifier that flashes the name and phone number. Perhaps there could be a keypad in the bracelet, or voice-recognition software could be used to make calls, a facility that already exists in many mobile phones.

With devices getting smaller and smaller, in every likelihood what IBM and other companies are planning as mobile phone components in jewellery will soon turn to an entire mobile phone on a single piece of jewellery. Perhaps the phone can be removable and embedded into different jewellery options! Today, smart watches already exist, that can carry out all the functions of a mobile phone, however, these need an actual mobile phone to interface with – likely pretty soon, a day will come when a small piece of jewellery like a ring or pendant will replace a mobile phone completely! Are there any takers for developing this technology among GemAtlas members? Yes? – We think it’s a great idea!